Theological Granny

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

July 24 Thoughts to Ponder

Lives of medical professionals

This is a very thoughtful piece on the kinds of life and death dramas those in medicine see far more than the rest of us:

Eric Metaxas

This one is interesting. Byron Borger of all people gave a very positive review of Metaxas's most recent book, but there are lots of criticisms of it. (And I am concerned because Metaxas appears to have gotten a lot of his sourcing from, of all people, David Barton!) A few pertinent posts:

 The Sabbath and Rest

This was an especially good Our Daily Bread devotional last week, a great reminder for us all to consider whether we are allowing our lives to become too hectic:

Civil Rights

Just when you think every attrocity of the "old days" has been reported, another episode like this is reported.

Why Don't Schools Teach More Morals and Ethics?

Good question; here is a fascinating discussion of that topic. Actually, "'Teaching character education in schools is actually unavoidable … [E]verything the school chooses to do or not do in terms of curriculum choices' influences the culture of a school and the character of its students, Steve Ellenwood, the director of Boston University’s Center for Character and Social Responsibility (CCSR), wrote in an email."

Time, Scientists, and Philosophy

Here's an article I am going to have to spend a lot more time pondering, but it did raise some fascinating thoughts, such as "if we are in a totally non-directed, Godless place, where did the concept of time even come from?"

The last few lines: "Future events exist, she said, they just don’t exist now. 'The block universe is not a changing picture,' she said.'It’s a picture of change.' Things happen when they happen. 'This is a moment—and I know everybody here is going to hate this—but physics could do with some philosophy,' she said. 'There’s a long history of discussion about the truth-values of future contingent statements—and it really has nothing to do with the experience of time.' And for those who wanted to read more? 'I recommend Aristotle,' she said."

Note the information here on the effect of social isolation on heat wave death potential:

And, as usual, presidential politics

I have the following four tabs open and waiting for more review and possible commenting:

"Hillary Clinton and Grace" - Certainly not the way I usually think of this word:

This is an excellent picture of Obama as a human being, at a time when we are seeing so many political "leaders" on all parts of the political spectrum illustrating the opposite character traits:

A thoughtful article on the two Vice President candidates, both Catholic but with quite different views on, especially, abortion:

What does the Democratic party stand for now?
 Interesting question and intriguing answer(s)

Political Correctness, the "right" way

The Zumbro River and DMC

Interesting article from the Star Tribune, one that ignores the flood plane work that was done after heavy flooding in the 60s/70s:

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