Theological Granny

Monday, August 22, 2016

August 11 Highlights

More on Economic Class Issues

Is it the Trump follower phenomenom or is it Hillbilly Elegy, or both? Whatever the source, issues surrounding those limited by their economic class in the US are becoming more discussed. For example, this:
Today, less privileged white Americans are considered to be in crisis, and the language of sociologists and pathologists predominates. Charles Murray’s Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960–2010 was published in 2012, and Robert D. Putnam’s Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis came out last year. From opposite ends of the ideological spectrum, they made the case that social breakdown among low-income whites was starting to mimic trends that had begun decades earlier among African Americans: Rates of out-of-wedlock births and male joblessness were rising sharply. Then came the stories about a surge in opiate addiction among white Americans, alongside shocking reports of rising mortality rates (including by suicide) among middle-aged whites. And then, of course, came the 2016 presidential campaign. The question was suddenly no longer why Democrats struggled to appeal to regular Americans. It was why so many regular Americans were drawn to a man like Donald Trump.
For more, here is the full article:

This is loosely related, by looking at land use for cities:

Now, two more on the way both Trump and Clinton are generally ignoring the poor this campaign season:

Inequities in education also arise with economic disparity. This article focuses on one problem many poor kids have, the lack of clean clothes to attend school.

Democrats for Life

Here is a group that is little known and, as the article says, pretty lonely. Still, they should not be ignored.

Best Non-fiction from the Past Year?

So how better to really expand the time on the internet than to use my own collection of worthwhile sites to include yet another! This could keep me tied to the screen nonstop for a week or more.

Genesis--Science and Faith

A couple of helpful reviews of John H. Walton's books on "the lost world" of Genesis and Adam and Eve.

Rochester and Transparency

Lots of things happening related to the many changes coming to our area and how "insiders" may be making decisions not really beneficial to the broader population. One summary suggestion:

Shakespeare for Kids (and maybe this grandma)

As someone who still doesn't really appreciate Shakespeare, this might be something I need to consider for myself, not just for the grandchildren.

Not Trump

I keep trying to avoid posting anything more on FB about the presidential campaign but I just can't. Here is a "keeper" of a summary about why Christians really MUST NOT vote for Trump.

Inclusionary Zoning

Good summary of positive use of this tool:

And more on Granny Pods

As of September 1, these will be legal in MN if the municipalities agree, so we can expect much more on them.

A History Lesson

Very long but important NY Times article (actually, the entire NY Times Magazine this week) on the background of the current Middle East make up:

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