Theological Granny

Sunday, January 04, 2009

One Sentence a Day?

"50 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2009" is the cover article for the year end edition of US News and World Report. Number 20 is "keep a simple diary," probably not a bad suggestion, but they start off by saying "distill your day's experiences into a single sentence each day." There probably are a lot of days when one brief comment would cover everything worth recording for posterity, but this idea seems just a little too "twitter-y" for me. Perhaps who ever made up the list thought a plan to write one sentence a day would seem less intimidating than a full-blown journal entry, but writers soon discover that it is the short and pithy text that is hardest to do well.

Still, maybe it's worth a shot. I shall try--privately for now, maybe later on a blog--to develop summaries of these first few days of the year and see how long I can keep up the effort.

How about you? What would you put into one sentence to fully encompass the day your are having?"


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