Theological Granny

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Return I took a hiatus while I tried to decide what would be the best use of a blog with such a title, and what was meant to be a brief interlude has turned into almost 18 months of nothing posted. Now, in the great tradition of New Year's resolutions, I have developed a plan of action for 2009 that I hope to incorporate into regular postings on this blog.

There are dozens, hundreds, of different reading plans for plowing through the entire Bible in 365 days, and I did follow one of these to get through both Old and New Testaments sometime in the 90s. However, I am looking at trying a different approach to my Bible studies this year. I will continue to use Our Daily Bread and Today (from Back to God Hour) for my daily devotional reading. Added to this will be working through the Bible from the point of view of study Bibles (NIV and ESV specifically) and some commentaries. By doubling up some of the books (1 and 2 Samuel, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon for example) I can cover all 66 books in the 52 weeks of 2009. As I read and study each day, I will plan to put some of the insights, questions, and applications to current affairs and culture in this blog. Hopefully, this will begin to generate some lively conversations and shared insights.

As with all resolutions, there is a high potential for the plan to fizzle out before January is over--starting with Genesis is in itself a daunting one week project--but I am looking forward to the challenge and hope the blog will be an added incentive for keeping up with the effort.


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